MS Clinical Fellowship

The Canadian Network of MS Clinics (CNMSC) is supporting an “MS CLINICAL FELLOWSHIP” that will fund Fellows as they prepare for a career that emphasizes both the care of MS patients and clinical research in MS.

The specific goals of this Fellowship Program are:

  • To hone the necessary clinical skills to adequately manage MS patients. This will include full understanding of:
    • Diagnosis and differential diagnosis
    • Symptomatic treatment and management
    • The use of disease modifying agents and evaluation of their effect
    • Ongoing clinical trials and developments in the field of MS
    • Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) and its differences
    • Psychosocial needs of patients and advocacy for them
  • To gain an understanding of all aspects of clinical research in MS, from inception to publication to incorporation into clinical practice

The Fellowship will provide a salary stipend of $80,000 to support the successful candidate(s) for one year at a CNMSC Canadian approved centre.

Funding for the CNMSC Fellowship program has been generously supported by unrestricted educational grants by Roche and The Christopher Foundation.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A candidate must have successfully completed a Neurology residency program, prior to onset of fellowship. (Consideration will also be given to successful candidates with different qualifications (e.g. physiatry) who meet provincial requirements for the issuance of an “educational license”.)
  • No more than 5 years should have elapsed between the completion of the Residency Program and the tenure of this Fellowship
  • A candidate must be either a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant

Application Process

The following is required:

  • Two letters of reference by relevant professionals are required, at least one from the previous Residency or Fellowship program director/supervisor.
  • One letter of support is required from the proposed fellowship director of the CNMSC centre where the Fellowship is to be held. In addition reference confirming 60% clinical time criteria will be adhered to as part of learning experience.
  • A complete curriculum vitae
  • One letter (maximum 2 double-spaced typed pages) describing the candidate’s objectives, goals, and expectations from this Fellowship and potential impact of fellowship on applicant’s career that emphasizes both the care of MS patients and clinical research in MS in Canada.
  • Application deadlines are May 31st. All candidates will be notified of the final results by June 15th of the same year.
  • Fellowship terms will be from July 1st to June 30th of the year following the approval of the application.

All applications packages (cover letter, CV, letters of reference, rationale) must be received by 11:59 PM, EST, May 31st. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Please send all information by hard copy or e-mail to:

The Canadian Network of MS Clinics Fellowship Committee
c/o Michelle Eisner
S195 – 2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 2B5

All applications will be reviewed by a committee of the Canadian Network of MS Clinics whose decisions will be final.